MamaDen @Work

Bring MamaDen into your workplace or private organization as a benefit for mothers as they return to the office. Bring MamaDen into your school or even your boardroom.

Award-winning journalist Julianna Goldman created MamaDen to empower and connect other mothers, elevate the conversation around the work of motherhood at home and in the workforce and offer support to help women stay in or return to the workforce. 


MamaDen will work with you to retain your community of mothers as well as other caretakers by providing them with access to leading experts and influential speakers across a range of industries. There is power in personal narrative and expertise to help people feel connected, less isolated and part of a community. 

She holds honest, candid, informative and fun conversations with featured guests and attendees. Previous MamaDen speakers have included Framebridge CEO Susan Tynan, Valerie Jarrett, senior adviser to former president Barack Obama and CNN anchor Laura Jarrett, actress and author Jill Kargman, author and economist Emily Oster, award-winning filmmaker Lacey Schwartz Delgado, CNN Chief International Correspondent Clarissa Ward and the moderator of CBS News’ Face the Nation, Margaret Brennan.

Utilizing her journalistic background and convening power, Goldman will act as a liaison between employees and management by conducting surveys and/or interviews with attendees for anonymous feedback and recommendations on employer best practices to support working parents. She can synthesize and communicate the information for management as they develop workplace policies in a new normal of hybrid work and more flexible workplace cultures.

By providing this benefit, organizations help employees feel like they are valued and like their employer is invested in them. It helps employees feel like they in turn are being heard and invested in creating a hospitable work environment in an evolving world. 

Connect & empower your organization’s mothers and caregivers

Working with MamaDen, you can provide a suite of options including: 

  • Curated daytime speaker series (breakfast/lunch/coffee) to empower, support career development and foster your community of mothers and caregivers

  • Interviews conducted by a seasoned and award-winning journalist (and mother), Julianna Goldman

  • Options for event to include breakout rooms for tailored, more private discussions

  • MamaDen can provide discussion guides and background materials in advance for attendees

  • Following the event, attendees can receive The MamaDen Debrief which includes highlights and video or audio

  • Attendees will have free access to MamaDen virtual and in-person programming as well as access to a suite of MamaDen discounts with national brands

Please fill out the information below to get started: